The Empty Duffel


This piece is kind of an ode to our North American sensibilities and to Jesus’ willingness to patiently call us out of what we thought was so important but really has little to do with the gospel. The command to be sent as lambs in the midst of wolves is likely no one’s dream – but it is what Jesus says we will do. Knowing that we had a fluent Spanish speaker among our actors, I was playing with ideas one night and laughed out loud at the thought of a bunch of English-speaking missionaries landing in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and encountering Jesus speaking Spanish just as normally as we would typically expect God to speak English. Isn’t that part of the challenge of missions?

This sketch prompted us to hold our own stuff – even our art – lightly, to remember that it is never what we are able to produce but rather what God is able to do in and through us that really matters, that counts in the end. We come to the gospel not on our own terms but on Jesus’.



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(enters singing “Shine, Jesus, Shine”)
(setting down two huge bags)
I can’t believe it—we’re actually here!
I know. I’m so excited.
I hope it’s a good summer. (flustered) D’you think it’ll be a good?
Oh, it’s gonna be a good summer. Totally.
They sit (or arrange themselves);
they start to get hot.
It’s so hot! Is the air conditioning broken?
I think it’s hot ‘cause it’s hot.
Really? It’s just, like this? Ufh.