Bob and Pluto Look for the Kingdom


Maybe it was because it was so late at night. Or because I had repeatedly run into a wall trying to compose a sketch on the line in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come”. How do you do God’s Kingdom coming in four minutes?

Whatever it was, as I sat at this little hotel desk, what came to mind was the question, What if the people imagining the Kingdom didn’t know whose Kingdom they were talking about? What if it were just a couple of guys imagining the best thing they could fathom? What does the Kingdom of God look like to the untrained eye? I started writing.

Bob and Pluto are what happened. They aren’t necessarily aware of the gospel, but they clearly yearn for it. Their description of the character of the Kingdom, its possible geography (an “asking station”) and benefits (uncle Roger might leave his wheelchair), lines right up with the scripture they don’t know. These characters still make me laugh, but what they say is beautiful and serious stuff.



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